Bar Wagon
位於日本東京都江戶川的一家小工房,品牌取名為「畢達哥拉斯」,名字源自希臘哲學家,由一位年青的家具職人創立。以「play as possible」為理念,結合了創新和一絲不苟的手工藝,專注為擁有各種興趣如唱片、品酒、閱讀及咖啡等的人士,設計一系列完美易用、又能融入家居的個性化家具。品牌創辦人高橋先生是一位愛酒人士,家中擁有接近100瓶收藏,但因收納空間不足,導致酒瓶只好散落家中各個角落,為了能在家輕鬆地享受這些珍藏,高橋先生開發了這款「小型酒吧車」,甫推出即得到日本國內一群品酒愛好者高度評價,人氣一時無兩。設計重點在於要節省空間之餘,更要提供足夠的收藏與品酒空間。高橋先生經過多次測試和反覆研究,終於創造出「30公分深度」這黃金尺寸,大小正好可以擺放在家中角落,並且還可以提供足夠的品酒與收納空間。簡潔的收納空間,方便地存放最喜愛的酒瓶,底部附設滾輪,可輕易在家中自由移動。瓶子呈L形排列的樣子,能夠讓家中的一角變成酒吧空間,即使是小型的家具,也能營造出「個人化空間」。這款家具能夠讓用家更容易地分享自己的嗜好,也是一種「可以讓您和人相處更融洽的家具」。備有兩種闊度選擇,可選胡桃木或橡木,另抽屜設有淺型或深型款式,深型款式適合擺放杯子,可因應個人需要選擇。
A young furniture craftsman in Edogawa, Tokyo founded a workshop with the philosophy of "play as possible" and designed a range of personalized furniture for people with various interests such as vinyl records, wine tasting, reading, and coffee. He created a "Bar Wagon" to solve his own problem of limited wine storage space, and it quickly gained popularity among wine enthusiasts in Japan. The cart has a 30cm depth, providing enough wine storage and tasting space while saving space. It has a simple storage design and bottom wheels for easy movement. The L-shaped arrangement of the bottles creates a personalized bar space in a corner of the home. The furniture promotes sharing of hobbies and better relationships. It is available in various widths, made of walnut or oak, with shallow or deep drawers to suit personal needs.
Size : 50 / 60cm × 30cm × 87/94.5cm
Material : Walnut / Oak